Tech stack: React, React Testing Library, Jest, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express.js, Python, Matplotlib, JSON

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Project screenshot 1
Project screenshot 2

The idea behind this project was to make an application that would analyse the user's typing patterns and present them with words that contained combinations of letters that they were having trouble typing, in theory increasing their rate of improvement. To test my hypothesis, I created a typing interface with React and Node.js that would randomly select words for the user to type, then save the hits and misses of individual letters and letter combinations to a JSON file which I would later use for analysis.

After gathering my typing data by practicing with the app, I wrote a Python script to extract the data from the JSON file, then analyse and plot it using Matplotlib. I wanted to make the app a fully fledged website but stopped working on the project as I believed the end result would be too similar to another site that I took inspiration from.
